How a company claims flight compensation for Chinese passengers
Flight compensation for Chinese passengers China Paradigm interviewed Sophie Sun, founder of TravelRight, to discuss China’s tourism ecosystem and how her company is claiming flight compensation for Chinese passengers to Europe.
Interviewing entrepreneurs in China: The great challenges of public relations in China
Interviewing entrepreneurs in China: The great challenges of public relations in China China Paradigm interviewed Augustin Missoffe, managing director Asia-Pacific at Hopscotch Group. Our China Paradigm’s guest is a Chinese and Asian market expert with a decade of experience in China and more to come. In the course of the interview, Augustin Missoffe discusses public […]
Interviewing entrepreneurs in China: Using China’s sharing economy to hire professionals
China Paradigm interviewed Hammer Guan, the founder of Youbangxin, a Chinese application for freelancers reshaping China’s sharing economy. During the interview, Hammer Guan helps us understand the challenges but also the numerous opportunities of freelancing in China. Also, Guan shares his expertise on China’s sharing economy and comments on the future of freelancing in China.