Interviewing entrepreneurs in China: Out of the box WeChat solutions in China
China Paradigm interviewed Clement Ledormeur, the general manager and partner at 31Ten to share with you his insights about useful WeChat solutions in China and learn how to create WeChat web-APP.
Interviewing entrepreneurs in China: Infrastructure maintenance consultancy in China
China Paradigms interviewed Bruno Lhopiteau, the Co-Founder of Siveco China to learn about infrastructure maintenance consultancy in China, namely smart technologies for the operation and maintenance of infrastructures and industrial enterprises.
Interviewing Entrepreneurs in China: how to conduct brand advertising for B2B business in China
China Paradigm interviewed Steven Proud, marketing director of Brandigo Global in China to have a better understanding of leveraging B2B business in China and clarify how the Chinese social media function in B2B business.
Interviewing entrepreneurs in China: Everything you need to know about running a French restaurant in China
China Paradigm interviewed Charles Carrard, who is the China General Manager at Boisset la Famille des Grands Vins and the former owner of a couple of restaurants in China to how to run a French restaurant in China successfully by building brand identity in China and the innovation in China’s wine industry.